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The Wicked Trade
Nathan Goodwin
Works of: Fiction
When Morton Farrier is presented with a case revolving around a mysterious letter written by a disreputable criminal, he finds himself delving into a murky Georgian underworld of smuggling and murder on the Kent and Sussex border. With his skills as a forensic genealogist, Morton must untangle the mysterious Ann Fothergill’s association with the notorious Aldington Gang and the brutal killing of Quartermaster Richard Morgan. As Morton’s research deepens, he begins to suspect that his client’s family might have more troublesome and dangerous expectations of his findings.
Other books by Nathan Goodwin
The Deserter’s Tale
The Sawtooth Slayer
The Foundlings
The Chester Creek Murders
The Sterling Affair
The Suffragette’s Secret
The Missing Man
The Spyglass File
The America Ground
The Orange Lilies
The Lost Ancestor
Hiding the Past
The Asylum (short prequel to the Forensic Genealogist series)
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