Supporting libraries
The places where many of us first discovered a love of books, and the places that for many form the centre of their reading experience, libraries are a national treasure. The CWA does not assume a political role – we leave that to our colleagues at the admirable Society of Authors – but we support libraries at a practical level.
The CWA’s Library Champions play a dual role: they provide a conduit for the concerns of libraries to the Board of the CWA and they help libraries promote themselves through enabling CWA members to participate in their events. Sometimes this is through our supplying names of local author members to libraries (we keep a database of members happy for us to do this) and sometimes it works the other way, where the Library Champion contacts the library to suggest and initiate events.
We have three Library Champions; Priscilla Masters based in England, GB Williams based in Wales and John Dean based in Scotland.
If you’re a library looking for an author to speak, suggestions on how to set up an event or publicity for an event you already have planned: contact us.
Library closures / cuts to library services
The CWA is concerned about the impact of continued cuts to library services throughout the United Kingdom. We are fully supportive of the ongoing efforts of the Society of Authors to draw attention to this issue. You can read more about the Society of Authors campaign here.
The CWA Dagger in the Library
The CWA Dagger in the Library is a prize for a body of work by a crime writer that users of libraries particularly admire. Only librarians can nominate authors for the award. It is one of the most prestigious crime writing awards in the UK and previous winners include Mari Hannah, Elly Griffiths, Christopher Fowler, Sharon Bolton, Belinda Bauer, Mo Hayder, Stuart MacBride, Jake Arnott, Alexander McCall Smith, Stephen Booth, Peter Robinson, Lindsey Davis, Martin Edwards, Kate Ellis, Chris Brookmyre, Sophie Hannah and, in 2024, Anthony Horowitz.
[Librarians are] the unsung heroes of the book industry…They are the heart and soul of the community.Anthony Horowitz, Winner of the CWA Dagger in the Library 2024
National Crime Reading Month
The CWA’s initiative provides both impetus and a promotional umbrella for crime-reading events held across the country in June, culminating in the Daggers award ceremony at the end of the month. We help to put author members in touch with libraries, bookshops, festivals and other venues and to publicise their events.
Downloadable posters
We produce literature that’s connected with the CWA that you and your users might find useful. We have a selection of free posters, flyers and shelf-talkers for you to download and use, helping to make your library more indispensable than ever to the aspiring writer and the public at large.
We run competitions that might interest those of your users who write and bring them back wanting more. For example, the CWA Margery Allingham Short Mystery competition, and the Debut Dagger competition for the opening of a crime novel from an unpublished writer.
Keep in touch
Interested in receiving more information about the CWA, National Crime Writing Month and useful news for libraries? We only send out very occasional bulletins so you won’t be inundated with emails. Sign up below – thank you.
You might also enjoy our Crime Readers section
We have a dedicated section of this website for readers of crime fiction and non-fiction, where visitors can subscribe to our regular monthly e-zines, discover more about National Crime Reading Month or the CWA Anthology, and even read new short stories by their favourite authors.

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