Publishers, agents, editors and bloggers
We raise the profile of crime-writing, and the publishers and agents behind the books, with our Dagger awards, the most prestigious for crime fiction and non-fiction in the UK. For the majority of the Daggers it is, of course, publishers who nominate the titles and this is a crucial element of the process. We ensure publishers as well as authors are featured on our website alongside all their longlisted and shortlisted titles to give them maximum publicity.
In recent years we’ve appointed a Publishers’ Liaison Officer in Maxim Jakubowski to ensure we are in touch and receptive to the concerns and proposals of this vital part of the crime-writing industry. In a practical demonstration of what that’s meant, the timescales of the Daggers have since been adjusted to bring the publication of books closer to when the actual awards are made. We continue to make other changes to the submissions process in considered response to requests from publishers and editors and to the evolving publishing world. Discounted entry fees for the titles of CWA author members have been a great success!
We follow up the awards by sending certificates to the publishers of shortlisted titles, helping to underline the connections between publisher, author and the CWA.
We have an array of benefits for our corporate and associate members which comprise publishers, agents, freelance editors, crime bloggers and reviewers. Member publishers and agents are also entitled to see the shortlisted entries from the Emerging Author Dagger competition – and indeed the longlisted entries, should they wish, where writers give their permission.
For bloggers, reviewers and journalists, we’ll facilitate contact with author members and our social media platforms provide timely alerts to new information about books and authors, more details of which can often be found on the CWA website.

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Become part of a thriving community of successful crime writers with invaluable support, expertise and marketing opportunities for all our members.