Diamond Crime Zoom Masterclass in Editing
Virtual Only

Some writers claim to hate them. Others won’t make a move without one firmly secured to their writing arm. Who are we talking about?
Whether you love them or loathe them, editors they are a vital part of the publishing scenery, from developmental editors who help with structure and narrative, to copy-editors who revise texts to improve readability and sense. But how do they work? Is there a secret guild of editors who follow a set format which to hinder and interrupt the flow of creativity that has travelled from the author’s brain to their fingers to on the keyboard? Or do they ride to the rescue, untangling what may be – to misquote Eric Morcombe Morecambe – the fingers of a writer who knows they are “writing “all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order.”?
Diamond Crime, in collaboration with the CWA, is delighted to present an hour of Zooming with three experienced editors who are also authors in their own right. So if you want to understand the craft of the book editor, or even point out where you think these people are going wrong, join us using the Eventbrite link below
Ticket numbers are limited to 30.
Questions can be emailed in advance to info@diamondbooks.co.uk or asked on the night.
The panel includes:
- Dea Parkin, CWA Secretary and copy-editor par excellence: https://www.fictionfeedback.co.uk/
- Jeff Dowson, author of the Jack Shepherd Private Eye novels and Ed Grover thrillers, as well as a Diamond Crime editor feared, admired and respected (in equal proportions) by the publisher’s authors: https://www.jeffdowson.com
- Gail B Williams, author of the recently published thriller Breaking Free and CWA libraries champion and convenor for Wales: https://www.gailbwilliams.co.uk/
Editorial comment on the above from a panel member (name withheld) which may help you understand the way editors think…
“A relatively good stab at it, I think.
Only 2 things to say… I’ve deleted stuff on line 2 of the EDITORS paragraph – straying from the main thrust when we should be getting on with the message. No one will miss it if we take it out. Made a final correction on line 3. So, publish and be damned.”

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