Reading Party with Greg Buchanan: Sixteen Horses
Reading Party with Greg Buchanan: Sixteen Horses
Every now and again a book comes along with such buzz about it. Sixteen Horses is one of those and we’re proud to invite you to a Reading Party about this stunning debut. Near the dying English seaside town of Ilmarsh, local police detective Alec Nichols discovers sixteen horses’ heads on a farm, each buried with a single eye facing the low winter sun. Join us to explore this stunningly unsettling literary crime mystery.
Sixteen Horses is the debut literary thriller from an extraordinary talent, Greg Buchanan. A story of enduring guilt, trauma and punishment, set in a small seaside community the rest of the world has left behind. Join Greg and together we’ll read aloud from this wonderful new book. Find out what happens at a Reading Party. Buy a ticket + book and you’ll receive a hardback of Sixteen Horses from independent online retailer Bert’s Books. Greg Buchanan will be signing and dedicating bookplates on the night which will be sent to you with your copy.
Cost: £5-£16.99 with book + signed and dedicated bookplate

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