The Crime Writers’ Association

Byte the Book: How Can We Sell More Books Through Non-Traditional Retail Channels?

Date: Monday 14th November 2016 Time: 18:30 to 21:00 Location: The Groucho Club, London Not specifically aimed at crime writers, but interetsing for writers in general. Byte the Book asks: as sales channels for books become increasingly polarised,...

Reading Party will William Dean

Getting the Science Right with Brian Price

Join us for the first of the 2024 CWA Crime Writers' Clinics! This event is free for CWA members and £15 for non-members. Thinking of joining? You can apply here. Oct 8th 7.00pm (BST) Getting the Science Right: Brian Price https://www.eventbri...

The Future of Agenting with Simon Trewin

Join us for the 2024 CWA Crime Writers’ Clinics! This event is free for CWA members and £15 for non-members. Thinking of joining? You can apply here. Oct 15th 7.00pm (BST) The Future of Agenting: Simon Trewin

Cake and Crime Evening with Cath Staincliffe

Wednesday 9th October- 6-7.30pm, Widnes Library Tickets Early bird £5 (book before 1st October) / Full price £7.50 (Cake included in ticket price) Book online via the library website or at any Halton Library Book lovers, thriller readers and an...

Tell us about an event

Tell us about your event Do you have an event – whether in-person, or online – coming up soon? Tell us about it here, and we’ll list it in our public Events section. Please tell us as much as you can about the event. The more you can tell u...

CWA Dagger Winners to be Announced at Awards on Oct 25

For readers of crime – now officially the UK’s most popular genre of fiction – the CWA Daggers are the book awards to really sharpen your appetite. Ten Daggers are given away at a glittering black-tie dinner and the cream of the publishing indu...

Morecambe & Vice Crime Writing Festival

On the Weekend of Sat 30th Sept & Sun 1st October get your little grey cells at the ready and your poisoned pens filled to the brim with ink as the Quirkiest crime festival in the UK will be making its debut in Morecambe. Set in the auspicious s...

It’s All In the Point of View by Jared Cade

If you ask most people what point of view is, they will probably answer along the lines: ‘It’s whether you write in the first person (I thought he looked ill) or third person (She thought he looked ill). It’s a little more complicated than that...

Crime and the City Talk

Duncan Campbell – Crime and the City - City of London Police Museum, Guildhall Library December 8th, 6pm, Drinks reception 7pm From Thief-taker General to the Krays, from the world’s first crime reporter to the trial of the News of the World pho...

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