The Crime Writers’ Association

Helplines and Discounts

Helplines and Discounts CWA members enjoy a number of perks to help their day-to-day work and career, from a tax advice helpline to discounts on membership with sister organisations.Helplines The CWA has a close working relationship with accountant...

London Book Fair and Byte the Book

London Book Fair runs at Olympia this year from Tuesday 14 to Thursday 16 March. As a book-lover, it's always a fabulous event to visit, whether or not you have business there. Byte the Book also have a few seminars...

How to Survive an Agatha Christie Novel with Kate Jackson

Join author Kate Jackson for 'How to survive an Agatha Christie Novel: a choose your own adventure journey.' This event is free to the public, and will take place at Durham Clayport Library on Monday, 27 November, at 2.00pm. To book your place...

‘The Importance of the Note on the Fridge’ by John Dean

My house, like all authors’ homes, I suspect, is full of scraps of paper. Each one contains a scribbled note of something that I will add to the novel I am working on the next time I switch on the laptop. The notes are often made after I have be...

Associate membership

Join the CWA - Associate membership Thank you for your interest in joining the CWA. Membership is subject to meeting the membership criteria and completing the application form does not guarantee membership. Please fill in your details below and a m...

Corporate membership

Join the CWA - Corporate membership Thank you for your interest in joining the CWA. Membership is subject to meeting the membership criteria and completing the application form does not guarantee membership. Please fill in your details below and a m...

Who Wunnit? CWA Dagger winners announced

Some two hundred agents, publishers and authors were present at the glamourous awards dinner at Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, to find out the winners of the 2014 CWA Daggers. Alison Joseph, Chair of the CWA said: “Our Daggers Awards dinner is a...

Buxton International Festival – Sarah Ward & Friends

Sarah Ward and Friends, with Elly Griffiths and William Shaw Sarah Ward is a Derbyshire-based crime writer whose detective DC Connie Childs solves crimes within the Peak National Park. Why are the best crime novels reliant on a defined sense of plac...

Murder By the Book

Crime fiction is the UK's most read, bought and borrowed genre. Cambridge University Library draws on its world-leading collections of British crime fiction to stage a murderously good exhibition! Bringing together literature, culture and heritag...

Politics and Prose with Julie Anderson

In an age in which we are all citizen journalists and political commentators on social media and the political blog has found a place in the mainstream media in a way undreamed of thirty years ago, what place does political fiction have? The power s...

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Become part of a thriving community of successful crime writers with invaluable support, expertise and marketing opportunities for all our members.

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