The Crime Writers’ Association


Crime fiction is now the most popular genre of novel, with whole sections given over to it in bookshops. Crime dramas on TV, often based on book series, are a staple of the TV schedules. What makes it so popular? And how do writers bring off a sense ...

Author Talk and Book Signing with Lindsey Davis

Lindsey Davis will talk about her career as a historical novelist, which now covers two series of mysteries set in the imperial Roman period. She will be reading from her latest Flavia Albia novel, A Capitol Death and answering any questions audience...

Book Signing with Chris Berry

Want a great read for Christmas? Tough Season book tour! Chris will be signing copies at Waterstones in Hull on Saturday 7 December. "It has been a fantastic thrill to be at #1 in Amazon RL charts for many weeks since release and my first crime no...

The Debuts: What are you going to call it?

Choosing the title of your novel is almost as big a decision as deciding to write it in the first place. Do you go for something quirky and run the risk of people not understanding it – or choose a more obvious title which then doesn’t sound inte...

Irish Book Week: 19-26 October

You don't have to be Irish, or live in Ireland, to celebrate the best of Irish literature. Simply participate in one or more of the daily themes and post about it using the tags #IrishBookWeek and #IrishBookaDay! For more information, please see the ...

The CWA Remembers CJ Sansom

The CWA are deeply saddened to hear of the news of the death of one of our greatest crime writers, C J. Sansom.  Nobody raised the bar for historical crime fiction as high as he did; he wrote with forensic accuracy and passion for the smallest de...

Murder in the Library!

Author Talk with Leye Adenle, Alison Bruce & James Carol Celebrate National Libraries Week with the launch of our new bi-monthly Crime Panel, where best-selling authors will visit Chiswick and Osterley Libraries. With the CWA Daggers due to be a...

Private: Into the River: how a last-minute decision led to an award-winning bestseller, by Mark Brandi

In a river, on the outskirts of an isolated country town, two young brothers discover a wheelie bin, partly submerged beneath a fallen tree. Curious, the older brother goes closer to investigate. He steps carefully across the tree’s smooth trunk, ...

Private: Trust your gut: how a Debut Dagger longlisting led to a publishing deal

People often ask me where the initial idea for “Trust Me, I’m Dead” came from, and I talk about an article I read many years ago where one snippet caught my eye, and then stuck in my brain. It was a small thing, about a man who’d left behind ...

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Marissa De Luna

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. I grew up in Goa and moved to England when I was a teenager. I now live in Oxford with my husband and two children and work as a Development Manager for a housing association i...

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