The Crime Writers’ Association

Best Practice: Best-Selling Conversations with Ruth Ware

Twisted Dagger

Twisted Dagger The Twisted Dagger celebrates psychological thrillers, dark and twisty tales that often feature unreliable narrators, disturbed emotions, a healthy dose of moral ambiguity, and a sting in the tail. Books in this category include psych...

Paying the Bills: Financial Management for Writers. With Andrew Subramaniam and Ajay Jassal

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Katherine Stansfield

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. I’m originally from Cornwall and now live in Cardiff. Cornwall inspires much of my writing – I’m a bit obsessed with its history and folk tales. I write the historical cr...

Kate Ellis talks about third book in her Albert Lincoln trilogy

Former Dagger in the Library winner Kate Ellis is being interviewed online by UK Crime Book Club on Tuesday 18 May at 7pm. She'll be talking about The House of the Hanged Woman, the third in the Albert Lincoln trilogy set in the aftermath of World W...

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Helen Sedgwick

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. I am a research physicist turned author and I live in the Scottish highlands. I’ve recently moved to crime writing after publishing two novels that could be called literary ...

Society of Authors: Why Women Love Crime Fiction

The Bristol Group of the Society of Authors are hosting an online event on Friday 21 May from 12pm featuring a talk by Professor Helen Taylor on why women love crime fiction. During lockdown, many people have turned to fiction, and crime fiction â€...

The Publishing Revolution: the New Hybrid Author with D Kirk and Melissa Addey 

Daggers Live! – tickets still available

The CWA announces the winners of the 2021 Daggers at 7.30pm on 1 July in an online event where we go to winners live in their living rooms: Our guest speaker will be Abir Mukherjee and our M/C for the evening will be the witty ...

Mel McGrath – The Guilty Party

You did nothing. That doesn’t mean you’re innocent. On a night out, four friends witness a stranger in trouble. They decide to do nothing to help. Later, a body washes up on the banks of the Thames – and the group realises that ignoring the w...

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