The Crime Writers’ Association

2018 winning story

The Value of Vermin Control - Russell Day I took my hat off and cleared my throat. The young man behind the armour glass and the steel bars didn’t look up, even though I was his only customer. I wasn’t especially surprised. In my experience, p...

2017 winning story

Box Clever - Sam Hepburn I’ve always been a dreamer – the nerdy kid hunched over his Playstation dreaming of being popular, the geeky teenager in sweaty boxers dreaming of hitting the big time with his latest bit of software, the broke student...

2016 winning story

A Box-Shaped Mystery - Peter Guttridge ‘The Mystery remains box-shaped, at once a prison and a refuge. Its four walls are, roughly, a Crime, a Mystery, an Enquiry and a Conclusion with an Element of Satisfaction in it.’ Margery Allingham P...

2016 shortlisted story

The Blockage - Ian Cowmeadow Fine drops of rain bloomed on the van’s windscreen. The engine clicked as the heat drifted from it and Shelly Wrench was beginning to feel the cold. Across the street, a strip light flickered behind a frosted window ...

2015 winning story

Game Over - Lesley Mace The feel of the skateboard rumbles up through the bones of his feet. He is enclosed within the sound of wheels. He concentrates on contracting muscles, on making his body into the correct shape to fly over the top of the co...

Christmas Books

Come along and hear Sue Moorcroft, Jules Wake, Susi Holliday and Chloe Mayer chat to Bibliomaniac about their Christmas titles. Ticket price includes a free drink and a goody bag. Books on sale on the evening and the authors will be signing books too...

The Best Bit of Writing Advice I Was Ever Given by Morgan Cry

Gordon Brown aka Morgan Cry When I signed a two-book deal with Polygon back in 2019 under the new name of Morgan Cry, I was ecstatic. I delivered both books to the publisher by late 2019 and thought, what do I do now? I knew that there was editing a...

CWA Conference York 2023

An Overview by Matthew Booth The old adage says that time flies when you’re having fun and, like many old sayings, it is true. And that probably explains why this year’s conference, held primarily in the Park Inn by Radisson in York, seemed to f...

April 2023: York

April 2023: YorkVenue: Raddison Park Inn HotelAn Overview by Matthew Booth The old adage says that time flies when you’re having fun and, like many old sayings, it is true. And that probably explains why this year’s conference, held primarily in...

Diamond Sponsorship Package

Diamond Sponsorship Package - Diamond DaggerSponsoring the Diamond Dagger provides the following benefits: 1. The sponsor’s name and logo appears on all official Daggers literature and communications, as well as relevant website promotions and so...

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