The Crime Writers’ Association

It’s All In the Point of View by Jared Cade

If you ask most people what point of view is, they will probably answer along the lines: ‘It’s whether you write in the first person (I thought he looked ill) or third person (She thought he looked ill). It’s a little more complicated than that...

CWA Announce Longlists for Prestigious Crime Writing Daggers – SHORTLISTS TO BE ANNOUNCED 25 JULY

STOP PRESS: CWA Dagger Shortlists to be announced at a 6.30pm reception at Daunt’s bookshop, Cheapside, London EC2V 6AX on 25 July. Book your place: Free entry. The Crime Writers Association announced the much anticipated lo...

The Art of Editing by John Dean

I have always said, somewhat glibly, that I dislike writing and love rewriting. There is an awful lot of truth in the statement and it comes home particularly when I have completed the first draft of a novel. I do derive some satisfaction from the in...

Shortlists for the CWA Daggers

The CWA will be announcing the shortlists for the CWA Daggers at an event to be held on Wednesday 25 July 2018 at Daunts Books, 61 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6AX. CWA Dagger shortlists to be announced: Gold Dagger, Ian Fleming Steel Dagger, John Crease...

“Proof Behind the Plot” – a forensic workshop for crime writers

In celebration of National Crime Reading Month, Think Forensic are hosting an interactive workshop led by their forensic and crime investigation experts, in Huddersfield. The workshop has been designed specifically to give all writers, whether new...

CWA Dagger Shortlists 2018

The Crime Writers’ Association announced the shortlists for the prestigious annual Dagger awards for crime writing at an evening reception at Daunt Books, Cheapside, London, on Wednesday 25 May. The shortlists provide some interesting duplications....

An evening with Caroline England and Catherine Wimpeney

Here’s a real treat for crime fans! Dark secrets behind Manchester’s closed doors. Join Caroline England and Catherine Wimpeney in conversation about the inspiration and creation of their psychological suspense novels The Sinner and Her Sister...

April 2023: York

April 2023: YorkVenue: Raddison Park Inn HotelAn Overview by Matthew Booth The old adage says that time flies when you’re having fun and, like many old sayings, it is true. And that probably explains why this year’s conference, held primarily in...

‘Three pieces of writing advice I’ve never forgotten’ by Helen Cooper

For years, I’ve been collecting writing tips from wherever I can get them. While I was trying to get published, and after I succeeded, my addiction to studying the craft of writing never went away. But there are three particular gems of advice that...

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Welcome… To the Members' Area of the CWA website. Here you can download the latest Red Herrings, complete your author profile, read more about membership benefits, find local chapters, get advice on promoting your books, and much more. Use the ...

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