The Crime Writers’ Association

Tickets Now On Sale for CWA Daggers Dinner on 25 October

All ten winners of this year’s CWA Daggers will be presented at a glittering black-tie occasion at the Grange City Hotel in Cooper’s Row, London at 6.30pm for 7pm on October 25. Everyone is welcome and many of the crime writing world’s most no...

Tell us about a new book

Tell us about a new book Fill out this form to tell us about your upcoming book, for inclusion in Red Herrings’ Hot Off the Press feature and our social media ‘Publication Day’ posts. Submit your book at least one week before its publicat...

CWA Announce New Chair

Maxim Jakubowski, a long-standing and influential figure in the publishing world, is announced as the new Chair of the world-famous Crime Writers’ Association (CWA). Maxim’s career has encompassed every aspect of publishing as an editor, translat...

ILP John Creasey First Novel Dagger

ILP John Creasey First Novel Dagger The ILP John Creasey First Novel Dagger (formerly the ILP John Creasey New Blood Dagger) is for the best crime novel by a first-time author of any nationality with their first novel of any kind published in the UK...


Chapters We know that our members are based all around the world and we have established regional chapters to help our members connect with other writers. There are also speciality chapters for non-fiction and neurodiverse authors. If there is an...

New Frontiers in Forensics, Crime and Security: Forensic Outreach Conference

Royal Institution, Oct 18 Open to everyone, this event by Forensic Outreach is one the CWA is pleased to promote to crime writers and readers alike. Meet pioneering forensic scientists and detectives – the real-life versions of the characters yo...

Notes on Word Count for CWA Writing Competitions

Different competitions have different rules – and different levels of rigour in the way they apply them. For the Debut Dagger we are super-strict. We ask for entries not to exceed 3,000 words (1,500 words for the synopsis) by even a word. The ti...

Notes on Word Count for CWA Writing Competitions

Different competitions have different rules – and different levels of rigour in the way they apply them. For the Debut Dagger we are super-strict. We ask for entries not to exceed 3,000 words (1,500 words for the synopsis) by even a word. The ti...

A Mind to Murder – book launch in New York

For those in New York, CWA member Daniella Bernett will be doing a reading and signing copies of A Mind To Murder, the latest book in her Emmeline Kirby-Gregory Longdon mystery series about a journalist and a jewel thief. To find out more and to book...

NOIRELAND – A new crime fiction festival with a distinctly Irish accent

NOIRELAND is a celebration of Ireland’s love of crime fiction. We have the best in local talent, guest appearances by international crime-writing stars, and in-depth conversations with some of the greatest screenwriters to put crime dramas on the s...

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