The Crime Writers’ Association

Emerging Author Dagger Rules

Rules and Submission Guidelines Emerging Author Dagger The Emerging Author Dagger (formerly the Debut Dagger), an international competition for the opening of an adult/YA crime novel and synopsis, is aimed at debut writers. The CWA defines a de...

London Book Fair and Byte the Book

London Book Fair runs at Olympia this year from Tuesday 14 to Thursday 16 March. As a book-lover, it's always a fabulous event to visit, whether or not you have business there. Byte the Book also have a few seminars...

Membership FAQ

Membership FAQ...

Debut Dagger Tips: Kristina Stanley

  Prepare to be deeply jealous when you find out the circumstances in which Kristina Stanley penned her Debut Dagger shortlisted novel, Blaze. However, despite a deeply glamourous writing story, the Canadian newcomer faced the same struggle as a...

North Norfolk U3A – True Crime: One Day Conference

The North Norfolk U3A One Day Conference includes the following presentation: Norfolk Murder - From Stanfield Hall to the last person to hang in the county – Neil Storey The Secret Poisoner - A history of poison murder in the 19th Century - Linda ...

How are Independent Publishers Shaking Up the Book Industry?

Byte the Book's last event of the year, sponsored by the Publishers Association, looks at the rise of independent publishers. Discussion: Independent publishers have been transforming the publishing industry in recent times, by winning prizes and se...

CWA Dagger Awards Dinner

CWA Dagger Awards Dinner Thank you for submitting your booking form. An invoice and menu will be sent to you upon receipt of your booking form....

Tickets Now On Sale for CWA Daggers Dinner on 25 October

All ten winners of this year’s CWA Daggers will be presented at a glittering black-tie occasion at the Grange City Hotel in Cooper’s Row, London at 6.30pm for 7pm on October 25. Everyone is welcome and many of the crime writing world’s most no...

Dagger Awards Gala Dinner

TUESDAY 11 OCTOBER 2016 GRANGE CITY HOTEL, LONDON EC3N 6.30pm for 7pm Speaker: James Runcie, author of The Grantchester Mysteries, as seen on TV CWA Diamond Dagger Awarded to 2016 recipient: Peter James The winners of the other nine Daggers includ...

Come and Chat to CWA Oxford – via Zoom

The Crime Writers Association was founded in 1953 to support, promote and celebrate the crime writing genre. Would you like to chat to some of the CWA Oxford crime writers over a coffee or gin and tonic? All totally virtual, of course, but in every ...

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Become part of a thriving community of successful crime writers with invaluable support, expertise and marketing opportunities for all our members.

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