The Crime Writers’ Association

Margery Allingham Short Mystery Competition

The Margery Allingham Short Mystery CompetitionHow to Write a Winning Story We asked Martin Edwards, the inaugural winner of the CWA/Margery Allingham Short Story competition for 6 great tips and here they are: Read the great short stories (not...

Opening Windows, by John Kennedy

A certain writer, arguably lauded for the wrong things but at the same time often underrated, once said something about writing behind closed doors and rewriting with the window open. Well, for me, the Debut Dagger competition opened that window. Get...

How to win £1,000

Enter the CWA’s Margery Allingham short story competition! This is open to published authors as well as unpublished ones. The maximum word count is generous too at 3,500. The deadline is still attainable even if it is a little bit close: March ...

Private: Joffe Books New Publication Prize for Crime Writers of Colour

Joffe Books, in conjunction with bestselling crime writer Dorothy Koomson and literary agent Susan Yearwood, is seeking to discover a new crime fiction writer to join our bestselling list. We are launching a new writing prize for unagented crime fict...

Tell us about a new book

Tell us about a new book Fill out this form to tell us about your upcoming book, for inclusion in Red Herrings’ Hot Off the Press feature and our social media ‘Publication Day’ posts. Submit your book at least one week before its publicat...

Murder in the Library!

Author Talk with Leye Adenle, Alison Bruce & James Carol Celebrate National Libraries Week with the launch of our new bi-monthly Crime Panel, where best-selling authors will visit Chiswick and Osterley Libraries. With the CWA Daggers due to be a...

Local Blood: A Panel Discussion with local authors Michelle Birkby, Emma Curtis and Jess Kidd

Three local authors from Richmond upon Thames team up to talk about their latest novels and the process of writing. Birkby, Curtis and Kidd have each mined the dark seams of mystery and suspense and written tales that strike chords of unease amongst ...

Margery Allingham Short Mystery Competition 2014


Paul Curd

Spiral Staircase

Margery Allingham Short Mystery Competition 2014


Helena Edwards

If Anything Happens to Me

CWA Announce New Chair

Maxim Jakubowski, a long-standing and influential figure in the publishing world, is announced as the new Chair of the world-famous Crime Writers’ Association (CWA). Maxim’s career has encompassed every aspect of publishing as an editor, translat...

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