The Crime Writers’ Association

ALCS Gold Dagger for Non-fiction 2022


Thomas Morris

The Dublin Railway Murder

Penguin Random House / Harvill Secker

The Detective’s Journey by Luke Deckard

Joseph Campbell’s seminal book The Hero With A Thousand Faces explores the uncanny similarities between the world’s myths and religions and what they mean in a real-world context. Campbell’s book is rich in psychology and insight in...

Find an expert

Find an expert Many of our members generously offer their expertise on certain subjects – forensics, police procedure, historical periods, technology, and more – to other members who need help writing about them. You can search for them here, ei...

ILP John Creasey First Novel Dagger

ILP John Creasey First Novel Dagger The ILP John Creasey First Novel Dagger (formerly the ILP John Creasey New Blood Dagger) is for the best crime novel by a first-time author of any nationality with their first novel of any kind published in the UK...

Crime Fiction in Translation Dagger 2021


Roxanne Bouchard

tr. David Warriner

The Coral Bride

Orenda Books

Debut Dagger Tips: Joanne Spain

Joanne Spain’s life was changed by her decision to enter the CWA Debut Dagger competition in 2013. She credits her experience with the CWA contest with helping to shape her now-flourishing writing career. Now, having secured a two-book deal with Qu...

Short story guide

Short story guide We accept short story submissions for the CRA website, to provide you with a platform to win over new readers and expand your fan base. It might also be useful to showcase your writing skills if you’re looking for a new agent or ...

Dagger in the Library

Dagger in the Library  The Dagger in the Library 2024 is closed. Thank you for voting! The Dagger in the Library is a prize for a body of work by an established writer of crime fiction or non-fiction who has long been popular with borrowers from...

About the CWA

About the CWA The Crime Writers’ Association was founded in 1953 by John Creasey (pictured). Our overall aim is to support, promote and celebrate this most durable, adaptable and successful of genres. The CWA’s everyday aim is to support writers...

Crime in the North East Festival

22 & 23 February 2019 Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts, Newcastle University. Whodunnit? NCLA in the frame for crime fiction festival. One of the most popular and intriguing forms of fiction comes under suspicion at Newcastle Univ...

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