The Crime Writers’ Association

Private: Into the River: how a last-minute decision led to an award-winning bestseller, by Mark Brandi

In a river, on the outskirts of an isolated country town, two young brothers discover a wheelie bin, partly submerged beneath a fallen tree. Curious, the older brother goes closer to investigate. He steps carefully across the tree’s smooth trunk, ...

Private: How To Increase Book Sales: 16 Ways

by Brian Feinblum of Media Connect   If you want to know how to go about getting a lot of book sales, all that you need to do is write a really good book, that’s better than others in your genre, on a topic that’s not over done or obscure,...

Promote yourself

Promote yourself Members can take advantage of our wide range of platforms to promote books, news and events, including our main CWA website, the Crime Readers’ Association (CRA) website and our regular monthly newsletters. Here are some of the wa...

CWA Dagger Awards Terms and Conditions of Entry

CWA Daggers Terms and Conditions of Entry Three categories of people can nominate a title for the CWA Daggers. Approved publishers Traditionally published authors whose book or title is published (not merely distributed) in the UK ...

Crime Authors at the Yeovil Literary Festival

The Yeovil Literary Festival is running from Thurs 28 Oct to Wed 3 Nov, and as part of the festival Yeovil Library are hosting 5 amazing crime authors, including CWA member Elly Griffiths. Tickets are £5 or £4 if you hold a Somerset Libraries card...

Tell us about a new book

Tell us about a new book Fill out this form to tell us about your upcoming book, for inclusion in Red Herrings’ Hot Off the Press feature and our social media ‘Publication Day’ posts. Submit your book at least one week before its publicat...

Bookshop of the Month – February 2022: Winstone Books

Winstone Books in Sherborne, Dorset, is our February Bookseller of the Month. Bookseller Elly Griffiths paid them a visit. By serendipitous coincidence, February 2022 marks the tenth anniversary of Wayne Winstone opening his first bookshop. Winsto...

London Book Fair and Byte the Book

London Book Fair runs at Olympia this year from Tuesday 14 to Thursday 16 March. As a book-lover, it's always a fabulous event to visit, whether or not you have business there. Byte the Book also have a few seminars...

Private: How I Wrote 20 Mystery eBooks In 20 Months by C T Mitchell

How I Wrote 20 Mystery eBooks In 20 Months How I Wrote 20 Mystery eBooks In 20 Months October 17, 2017 / Writing / By CT Mitchell Have you ever wanted to write mystery eBooks but procrastinated for so long you never got started? You...

Join the CWA

Join the CWA Who can join? We offer full membership for those in the UK and overseas who have had published a full length work of crime fiction or non-fiction, and provisional membership for those who have a contract from a recognised publishing ho...

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