The Crime Writers’ Association

Debut Dagger Deadline Draws Near

The deadline to enter the most hotly contended competition for aspiring crime novelists is fast approaching. Aspiring crime novelists have until the end of February to enter the Crime Writers’ Association (CWA) Debut Dagger, which is sponsored b...

Provisional membership

Join the CWA - Provisional membership Thank you for your interest in joining the CWA. Membership is subject to meeting the membership criteria and completing the application form does not guarantee membership. Please fill in your details below and a...

Join the CWA

Join the CWA Who can join? We offer full membership for those in the UK and overseas who have had published a full length work of crime fiction or non-fiction, and provisional membership for those who have a contract from a recognised publishing ho...

Tell us about an event

Tell us about your event Do you have an event – whether in-person, or online – coming up soon? Tell us about it here, and we’ll list it in our public Events section. Please tell us as much as you can about the event. The more you can tell u...

About the CWA

About the CWA The Crime Writers’ Association was founded in 1953 by John Creasey (pictured). Our overall aim is to support, promote and celebrate this most durable, adaptable and successful of genres. The CWA’s everyday aim is to support writers...

Newcastle Noir Virtual Festival

Knowing how many crime fiction readers and authors might be missing their visit to the Toon this year for NN2020, the organisers felt it only right to keep the NN flame burning during lockdown. They have asked the Northern Crime Syndicate authors to ...

Afternoon Tea with… Vaseem Khan

Grab a cuppa and a join us for a 45-minute online video session with Vaseem Khan who will share his creative routine, a mini tour of his creative work space, insights into what he’s currently working on, and how he is adapting to working online. V...

Noirwich Crime Writing Festival

The Noirwich Crime Writing Festival is the region’s largest annual celebration of crime writing and one of the fastest-growing literary festivals in the UK. Many incredible crime writers have attended the festival in recent years, including Val McD...

2024 Crime Writers’ Clinics

After the success of last year's Crime Writers' Clinics, the CWA is proud to announce the 2024 schedule of Clinics! These online events will take place from 8 October to 7 November, and are programmed and hosted by William Shaw. Tickets are £...

AGM 2023

AGM 2023 Our AGM will take place on Saturday 20 May at 10am via Zoom. In recent years these meetings have lasted well under an hour. Here is the meeting link: Time: May 20, 2023 10:00 AM London

We’re here to help

If you would like to speak to a member of the CWA team, please click the button below to find the right contact for your enquiry.

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