The Crime Writers’ Association

The Mistletoe Murder & Other Stories with PD James & Nicola Upson

The Really Popular Book Club presents a free online event, featuring the short stories of PD James with Nicola Upson. Cambridge University Libraries will be drawing 2021 to a close with a collection of festive short stories by P.D. James. As the ack...

Debut Dagger 2021


Hannah Redding


The Art of Editing by John Dean

I have always said, somewhat glibly, that I dislike writing and love rewriting. There is an awful lot of truth in the statement and it comes home particularly when I have completed the first draft of a novel. I do derive some satisfaction from the in...

2023 winning story

How to Catch a Bullet in a Plate and Other Tricks to Astound - Judith O’Reilly He never performed the trick at a matinee show as he didn’t like to worry the children in the audience. At least there was that, Mrs Conway thought, as the red bloo...


Supporting libraries The places where many of us first discovered a love of books, and the places that for many form the centre of their reading experience, libraries are a national treasure. The CWA does not assume a political role – we leave tha...

Criminal Critiques

What are Criminal Critiques? Criminal Critiques is the CWA’s critique service for aspiring crime fiction writers, to help you polish your writing and prepare your manuscript for submission to agents and publishers, or for competitions such as the ...

CWA Margery Allingham Short Story Competition – Short List Announced

We are delighted to announce the shortlist for the CWA Margery Allingham Short Story Competition: Lesley Mace for Game Over Ruth Moore for River Endings Clare Littleford for A Short Walk on a Long Pier Mike Ripley for Ealing Comedy Christopher Fowler...

How Did I Get Ready for Entering the Debut Dagger? by Sherryl Clark

Well, first I had to get past my nerves! I’d written mostly children’s books, and to be honest, my first couple of drafts of my novel received the feedback, ‘sounds too much like a young adult novel’. Oops. I knew that really I needed to do a...

Opening Windows, by John Kennedy

A certain writer, arguably lauded for the wrong things but at the same time often underrated, once said something about writing behind closed doors and rewriting with the window open. Well, for me, the Debut Dagger competition opened that window. Get...

Debut Dagger Tips: Joanne Spain

Joanne Spain’s life was changed by her decision to enter the CWA Debut Dagger competition in 2013. She credits her experience with the CWA contest with helping to shape her now-flourishing writing career. Now, having secured a two-book deal with Qu...

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