The Crime Writers’ Association

Gold Dagger

Gold Dagger This award is for the best crime novel by an author of any nationality, originally written in English and first published in the UK during the judging period. The broadest definition of the crime novel applies. Eligible books include thr...

Tell us about a new book

Tell us about a new book Fill out this form to tell us about your upcoming book, for inclusion in Red Herrings’ Hot Off the Press feature and our social media ‘Publication Day’ posts. Submit your book at least one week before its publicat...


CrimeFest has revealed its full line up for the four-day celebration of the UK’s most popular genre, hosted at the Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel, from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 May, 2023. Alongside 2023 featured guests - stalwarts of the genre, Mar...


  With Diana Bretherick, Simon Brett, Judith Cranswick, Jeff Dowson, Donna Fletcher-Crow, Christine Hammacott, Dot Marshall-Gent, Graham Minett, Jennifer Palmer, Linda Regan, Leigh Russell, Sally Spedding, Lesley Thomson, Laura Weston and Carol ...

Crime Writers at the Oxford Indie Book Fair

POSTPONED UNTIL 13 JUNE. Crime writers and CWA members Peter Tickler, Debrah Martin and Jake Lynch will be joining other indie and hybrid authors in a celebration of independent writing and publishing in Oxford on Saturday 13th June. There will be fr...

Cath Staincliffe and Jane McNulty in Conversation

Come and celebrate International Women's Day with crime writer Cath Staincliffe and Salford-based author Jane McNulty. They will talk about their favourite books and how they have shaped their writing in fiction, plays, screenwriting and TV. If you ...

12 Criminally Good Hints for Crime Writing by Laraine Stephens

by Laraine Stephens   Start with reading in the crime genre. You'll pick up how different authors approach their craft. You’ll learn to recognise good writing and bad writing. Also, there’s great advice in books and blogs about how to ...

Bodies From The Library Conference

The British Library is holding their fifth annual Bodies From The Library conference celebrating the Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Ideal for fans of Agatha Christie and her contemporaries – Ngaio Marsh, Dorothy L Sayers, John Dickson Carr, Marge...

Staffordshire Serial Thrillers

Sarah Rayne will be part of Stafford Library’s ‘Crime Night’ on Wednesday 1st May – a panel/discussion group of writers helping to celebrate the ‘Staffordshire Day’ celebrations for the county. Sarah has written over 25 books to date, in...

‘Plague’ – A Talk via Zoom by Westminster thriller author Julie Anderson

The Zoom link will be sent to you a day before the event About this Event Julie's acclaimed Westminster set crime thriller 'Plague', treads the murky banks of the River Tyburn and the plague pits. She discusses how the layers of history an...

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