The Crime Writers’ Association

CWA Dagger Winners to be Announced at Awards on Oct 25

For readers of crime – now officially the UK’s most popular genre of fiction – the CWA Daggers are the book awards to really sharpen your appetite. Ten Daggers are given away at a glittering black-tie dinner and the cream of the publishing indu...

Morecambe & Vice Crime Writing Festival

On the Weekend of Sat 30th Sept & Sun 1st October get your little grey cells at the ready and your poisoned pens filled to the brim with ink as the Quirkiest crime festival in the UK will be making its debut in Morecambe. Set in the auspicious s...

Breakfast Byte – Facebook Ads: How Do You Promote To Generate Sales?

Breakfast Byte Facebook Ads workshop at the Groucho Club on Wednesday 30 January. Title: Facebook Ads: How Do You Promote To Generate Sales? Refreshments: A light breakfast is included in the ticket price. Speaker: This Byte the Book workshop will be...

Finding the Time to Write Your Debut Dagger Entry, by Antony Johnston

Finding time to write is something we all struggle with when we’re starting out. We have other commitments and obligations, things to do, a day job, maybe a family… ‘If only I could just have time to write and not worry about all this other stu...

CWA Events video archive

CWA Events video archive From time to time the CWA hosts online events, including workshops, panels, and interviews. While many of these events are open to the public for a fee, CWA members may attend for no cost – and we also record most of t...

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Jim Eldridge

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. I have been a writer for almost 50 years, the first 30 as a scriptwriter, then writing children's books, and - since 2016 - writing historical crime fiction for adults. My curr...

Social media guide

Social media guide Between Twitter and Facebook the CWA has close to 30,000 social media followers, and also runs a Facebook group with more than 2,000 members. We encourage all members to take advantage of this reach! Twitter The CWA accoun...

Trying Again, by Sherry Rankin

I do not have a risk-taking personality. The whole idea of attempting to find an agent and get published always seemed so daunting to me that, for decades, I was afraid even to try. I always loved to write, however. So a few years ago, I took stock o...

CWA Launch High Profile National Crime Reading Month

Ian Rankin, Anthony Horowitz, Elly Griffiths and Vaseem Khan announced as new ambassadors for NCRM The Crime Writers’ Association launches National Crime Reading Month (NCRM) this June – a major initiative designed to celebrate the genre and g...

Debut Dagger Writing Tips

Here are tips from recent newsletters compiled for you by Dea Parkin, the CWA’s Competitions Coordinator (and professional editor). If you’re at the stage where your entry is finished and you’re into the all-important revision and editing pr...

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