The Crime Writers’ Association

Shortlist Announced for New CWA Dagger Best Crime & Mystery Publisher

The shortlist has been announced for the inaugural CWA Dagger for the Best Crime and Mystery Publisher of the Year. The award is the first new Dagger category created in over a decade. The Crime Writers’ Association (CWA) Daggers are regarded by th...

Tell us about an event

Tell us about your event Do you have an event – whether in-person, or online – coming up soon? Tell us about it here, and we’ll list it in our public Events section. Please tell us as much as you can about the event. The more you can tell u...

Breakfast Byte – Facebook Ads: How Do You Promote To Generate Sales?

Breakfast Byte Facebook Ads workshop at the Groucho Club on Wednesday 30 January. Title: Facebook Ads: How Do You Promote To Generate Sales? Refreshments: A light breakfast is included in the ticket price. Speaker: This Byte the Book workshop will be...

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