The Crime Writers’ Association


Chapters We know that our members are based all around the world and we have established regional chapters to help our members connect with other writers. There are also speciality chapters for non-fiction and neurodiverse authors. If there is an...

Our Chapters

The CWA has members around the world. Our regional chapters help members to connect with other writers in the same geographical area. There are also international specialty chapters for nonfiction and neurodiverse authors. Our geographically-based...


CWA ConferenceYork Conference 2023 - gala dinner is FULL! Although a month before registration deadline, our annual get together - this year in York - has proved hugely popular. As a result, places on our Saturday night gala dinner are now full. How...

Tell us about a new book

Tell us about a new book Fill out this form to tell us about your upcoming book, for inclusion in Red Herrings’ Hot Off the Press feature and our social media ‘Publication Day’ posts. Submit your book at least one week before its publicat...

AGM 2024 Voting Form

AGM 2024 Voting Form Voting has now closed....

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Maggie Hamand

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. I am a former journalist, a novelist and creative writing lecturer at the University of Hull. I studied biochemistry as a first degree and have a Masters in theology so science...

Dignity and Respect

Dignity and Respect Policy The CWA aims to give all our members the ability to celebrate the crime-writing genre in a welcoming and inclusive environment. We welcome people of all backgrounds. This encompasses (and is not restricted to) members of a...

CWA Responds to Incident at Conference

"It has come to my attention that at the recent CWA conference, some members behaved in a way that was not in line with our aim to be an organisation that is welcoming to all writers, no matter their background or experience. This is incredibly disap...


Bursaries The CWA is offering a range of bursaries for both new and existing members. These bursaries provide full or partial funding towards membership, CWA conference or CrimeFest attendance for members whose financial circumstances might prevent ...


Supporting booksellers The CWA strongly believe in the value of bricks-and-mortar booksellers, both independents and chains, and work to support and encourage their work. We do this in several ways: By fostering communication and cooperation...

Join the CWA

Become part of a thriving community of successful crime writers with invaluable support, expertise and marketing opportunities for all our members.

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