The Crime Writers’ Association

Slaughter in Southwold

Meet and dine with top crime authors and enjoy a musical written by Sophie Hannah, murder mystery dinner written by Ann Cleeves, and crime-themed quiz night. Tickets available from TicketSource and Southwold Library. Individual author talks £6; fu...

Tell us about a new book

Tell us about a new book Fill out this form to tell us about your upcoming book, for inclusion in Red Herrings’ Hot Off the Press feature and our social media ‘Publication Day’ posts. Submit your book at least one week before its publicat...

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Sarah Linley

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. The Beach is my debut novel. It is a psychological suspense set in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Yorkshire Dales. I like to travel and the places I have visited provide ...

Kate Ellis talks about third book in her Albert Lincoln trilogy

Former Dagger in the Library winner Kate Ellis is being interviewed online by UK Crime Book Club on Tuesday 18 May at 7pm. She'll be talking about The House of the Hanged Woman, the third in the Albert Lincoln trilogy set in the aftermath of World W...

Crime Writers in Residence – at home with Jim Eldridge

The CRA: Please tell us a little about yourself and the books you write. I have been a writer for almost 50 years, the first 30 as a scriptwriter, then writing children's books, and - since 2016 - writing historical crime fiction for adults. My curr...

Crime and the City Talk

Duncan Campbell – Crime and the City - City of London Police Museum, Guildhall Library December 8th, 6pm, Drinks reception 7pm From Thief-taker General to the Krays, from the world’s first crime reporter to the trial of the News of the World pho...


CrimeFest has revealed its full line up for the four-day celebration of the UK’s most popular genre, hosted at the Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel, from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 May, 2023. Alongside 2023 featured guests - stalwarts of the genre, Mar...

Coastal Crime With Kate Evans and Glenda Young

Kate Evans and Glenda Young have both chosen the Yorkshire Coast as settings for their crime novels. In conversation with Nick Quantrill, they discuss how the sea and our coastal towns make a perfect backdrop for a thrilling mystery. Kate Evans wr...

Deal Noir

The Landmark Centre, Deal on Saturday 25 March 2017 The third annual Deal Noir Crime Fiction convention. This entertaining day will feature: Best-selling authors speaking on crime fiction in all its forms from dark psychological thrillers throu...

The Killer Women Festival of Crime Writing & Drama

CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS Now in its fourth year, the capital’s only exclusively author-led festival will take place on Sunday 15 March 2020 - at Brown’s Courtrooms, Covent Garden, London. The 2020 festival will include appearances by, amongs...

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