The Crime Writers’ Association

Debut Dagger

Emerging Author Dagger (Debut Dagger) Announcements Congratulations to our 2024 Shortlist Authors! See below for details. Winner: Dagger Awards Dinner, evening of Thursday 4 July, Leonardo City Hotel, London. All announcements will also appe...

The Entry Process

The Entry Process There are four kinds of Dagger, differentiated by how they are nominated. See below for an explanation of the different entry processes, and who may nominate for each Dagger. Please do not hesitate to contact the Dagger Liaison Or...

Festival Time!

There are plenty crime-writing and general book and literary festivals going on in June. They’re mentioned on the Crime Reading Month website above, but just to bring them to your attention: Crossing the Tees: Slaugh...

Dagger in the Library

Dagger in the Library  The Dagger in the Library 2024 is closed. Thank you for voting! The Dagger in the Library is a prize for a body of work by an established writer of crime fiction or non-fiction who has long been popular with borrowers from...

Debut Dagger

Emerging Author Dagger (Debut Dagger) Announcements Congratulations to our 2024 Longlist Authors! See below for details. Shortlist: CrimeFest, Bristol on Friday 10 May, early evening Winner: Dagger Awards Dinner, evening of Thursday 4 Jul...

The Dark Side of Brighton

A chance to meet some of your favourite authors, get some signed books and even a selfie. The day will consist of several panels where authors will face tricky questions from various bloggers before the floor is opened to the audience. Feature...

Crime Con – Glasgow

Clapham Book Festival

Clapham Book Festival is Back! The Clapham Book Festival is back this autumn with a special celebratory day on Saturday 16 October 2021. Crime writer and CWA member Julie Anderson is a co-founder of the festival and will be leading a literary walk a...

June is National Crime Reading Month

Libraries, booksellers, publishers and festivals are taking part in National Crime Reading Month this month, while crime writers are contributing videos and blogs to the dedicated site with more posted almost every day of June. National Crime Read...

“Proof Behind the Plot” – a forensic workshop for crime writers

In celebration of National Crime Reading Month, Think Forensic are hosting an interactive workshop led by their forensic and crime investigation experts, in Huddersfield. The workshop has been designed specifically to give all writers, whether new...

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