The Crime Writers’ Association

NOIRELAND – A new crime fiction festival with a distinctly Irish accent

NOIRELAND is a celebration of Ireland’s love of crime fiction. We have the best in local talent, guest appearances by international crime-writing stars, and in-depth conversations with some of the greatest screenwriters to put crime dramas on the s...

Debut Dagger

Emerging Author Dagger (Debut Dagger) Announcements Congratulations to our 2024 Longlist Authors! See below for details. Shortlist: CrimeFest, Bristol on Friday 10 May, early evening Winner: Dagger Awards Dinner, evening of Thursday 4 Jul...

Diamond Crime Zoom Masterclass in Editing

Some writers claim to hate them. Others won’t make a move without one firmly secured to their writing arm. Who are we talking about? BOOK COPY DEVELOPMENTAL LINE EDITORS Whether you love them or loathe them, editors they are a vital part of t...

Discounts for Members

Discounts for Members Your membership of the CWA brings many benefits, including discounts on selected festival tickets, memberships with sister organisations, editing services, and more. Discounts available to CWA members include:The CWA Daggers E...

Two New Daggers Announced

The CWA is proud to announce the addition of two new categories for our Daggers. The Twisted Dagger award is aimed at psychological thrillers set in any period, as well as suspense thrillers and domestic noir. The Twisted Dagger will c...

Twisted Dagger

Twisted Dagger The Twisted Dagger celebrates psychological thrillers, dark and twisty tales that often feature unreliable narrators, disturbed emotions, a healthy dose of moral ambiguity, and a sting in the tail. Books in this category include psych...

The CWA Daggers

The Daggers Longlists have been announced! The longlists for the 2024 Daggers have been announced to much fanfare at the CWA annual conference in Brighton. Members celebrated their peers’ success and toasted the listed authors and publishers. The ...

CWA Announces new Debut Dagger Sponsor

The Crime Writers’ Association has announced a new sponsor for its annual international writing competition for unpublished writers. The CWA Debut Dagger is to be sponsored by ProWritingAid, a platform that operates as a grammar checker, style edi...

CWA Debut Dagger Competition Now Open

The Crime Writers’ Association have opened their popular Debut Dagger competition for 2018. The competition is for the opening of a crime novel and any writer who has never had a traditional publishing contract for a full-length novel can enter, ev...

After 20 years, would-be crime novelists find it more rewarding than ever to enter the CWA Debut Dagger Competition

Amended 8.12.17 The CWA Debut Dagger for the opening of a crime novel, established in 1998, is renowned within the crime writing world as a way for unpublished authors to get known, with former winners and shortlisted entrants going on to win publish...

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Become part of a thriving community of successful crime writers with invaluable support, expertise and marketing opportunities for all our members.

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