The Crime Writers’ Association

How Did I Get Ready for Entering the Debut Dagger? by Sherryl Clark

Well, first I had to get past my nerves! I’d written mostly children’s books, and to be honest, my first couple of drafts of my novel received the feedback, ‘sounds too much like a young adult novel’. Oops. I knew that really I needed to do a...

Edinburgh Delegates to Receive Rewards Passport

A new benefit for delegates to the CWA Annual Conference has been announced - they will automatically receive a special Edinburgh Rewards Passport. Launched by Convention Edinburgh, the Passport rewards conference delegates with special offers and v...

The CWA Remembers David Stuart Davies

The CWA has lost one of its most loyal members in David Stuart Davies, a novelist, editor, and playwright who achieved an international reputation as an expert on Sherlock Holmes. David was born in Huddersfield, the town where he lived for much of...

Mick Herron and Sarah Hilary – London Rules and Come and Find Me

Wells Festival of Literature: Literary Festival in Somerset This gripping new event brings three brilliant thriller writers together for a nail-biting session. Mick Herron’s Jackson Lamb spy novel series has gained many accolades with the first Slo...

Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation

Dagger for Crime Fiction in Translation Sponsored in honour of Dolores Jakubowski. This award is for crime novels (defined by the broadest definition to include thrillers, suspense novels and spy fiction) as long as the book was not originally wr...

Debut Dagger Tips: Joanne Spain

Joanne Spain’s life was changed by her decision to enter the CWA Debut Dagger competition in 2013. She credits her experience with the CWA contest with helping to shape her now-flourishing writing career. Now, having secured a two-book deal with Qu...

No Better Place to Be in May than CrimeFest

CrimeFest. One of the UK's most loved crime-writing festivals. CrimeFest is a convention for people who like to read an occasional crime novel as well as for die-hard fanatics. Drawing top crime novelists, readers, editors, publishers and reviewers ...


Join award winning author Diane Janes at the official launch of her new book 'Death at Wolf's Nick'. The event will take place in The Memorial Hall, Otterburn, Northumberland, scene of the original inquest into the death of Evelyn Foster, whose murde...

Bookshop of the Month – August 2021: No Alibis

What was the shop before he moved in? ‘It was a dry cleaners.’ Bit of a refit then? He laughs. ’Very much a refit. We built most of the bookcases ourselves. I sold a lot of my first editions at the time to raise money. Raymond Chandlersâ€...

From Idea to Publication and Beyond

Come see Linda Stratmann and ask those questions you've always wanted to know the answers too - from being an author to getting your novel published. Linda will also be discussing her new crime novel 'A True and Faithful Brother'. Although the even...

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