The Crime Writers’ Association

2016 winning story

A Box-Shaped Mystery - Peter Guttridge ‘The Mystery remains box-shaped, at once a prison and a refuge. Its four walls are, roughly, a Crime, a Mystery, an Enquiry and a Conclusion with an Element of Satisfaction in it.’ Margery Allingham P...

2016 shortlisted story

The Blockage - Ian Cowmeadow Fine drops of rain bloomed on the van’s windscreen. The engine clicked as the heat drifted from it and Shelly Wrench was beginning to feel the cold. Across the street, a strip light flickered behind a frosted window ...

2015 winning story

Game Over - Lesley Mace The feel of the skateboard rumbles up through the bones of his feet. He is enclosed within the sound of wheels. He concentrates on contracting muscles, on making his body into the correct shape to fly over the top of the co...

Crime Fiction in Translation Dagger 2022


Antti Tuomainen

tr. David Hackston

The Rabbit Factor

Orenda Books

Islay Book Festival

There's a lot to celebrate at the Islay Book Festival, including poetry, whisky, and the 75th anniversary of the publication of Orwell's 1984. Events will include a distillery event with peat scientist Mike Billett, as well as a crime fiction spotli...

The Art of Editing by John Dean

I have always said, somewhat glibly, that I dislike writing and love rewriting. There is an awful lot of truth in the statement and it comes home particularly when I have completed the first draft of a novel. I do derive some satisfaction from the in...

‘Three pieces of writing advice I’ve never forgotten’ by Helen Cooper

For years, I’ve been collecting writing tips from wherever I can get them. While I was trying to get published, and after I succeeded, my addiction to studying the craft of writing never went away. But there are three particular gems of advice that...

Bookshop of the Month – August 2022: Imagined Things Bookshop

Georgia Eckert from Imagined Things Bookshop in conversation with William Shaw. In 2018, Imagined Things Bookshop, in Harrogate, became known as the bookshop that was saved by a tweet.  On 25 June 2018, bookshop owner, Georgia Eckert, let the wor...

CWA Annual Conference: Edinburgh, April 2017

CWA Edinburgh Conference 21 – 23 April 2017 The CWA Annual Conference, open to CWA members only, is shaping up to be a lot of fun – and a chance to get together with fellow writers in a superb setting in Edinburgh, the Jekyll and Hyde of cities ...

Bookshop of the Month – April 2022: Reading Matters

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